Why this blog?

"... Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves ... Do not search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. The point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." - Letters to a Young Artist, R. M. Rilke

Rooted in the promise and challenge of growth ...

these are letters from a young teacher.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Public art !

As the summer approaches, I've been working with my kids at the Children's Center on preparations for participating in the Seattle Metro Bus Shelter Mural Program. For more info, check out http://transit.metrokc.gov/prog/sheltermural/shelter_mural.html
Briefly, we are compiling drawings to submit in an application to paint the panels of a local bus stop over the summer. The theme that emerged from initial drawings is "Washington Landscapes", including lighthouses, mountains, and everything between. Check 'em out!

From my official documentation:

I've informed them that we'll need to stick to our plan for the sake of time-sensitivity: it takes a month for our ideas to be approved by Seattle Metro, and then we have three months to complete our painting. So, here's what it will all entail:
1. May: Generate as many pictures as possible around a common theme to submit to Seattle Metro with our application. I hope to have the kids practice making a mural on a sheet of butcher paper to submit as well. There are a few bus stops local to Hilltop that I will take the kids interested to visit, so that we can decide which one we'd like to apply to decorate. We must include the name of the stop in our application.

2. June: Submit our application and wait for a response ... (can last up to one month)

3. July: By this point, we should have heard back from Seattle Metro and will be able to pick up our panels and paints (donated by Metro) so we can start painting! We will work on the panels in the studio at Hilltop - no painting directly at the bus stop.

4. July-August: Paint, paint, paint, so that we can return our panels and paints to Seattle Metro by the end of our summer program. It will take another month or so for Metro to apply a protective clear-coat and install our panels at our selected bus stop.

5. October: We'll take a field trip to check out our installed public art!

This could be us come the fall!

Stay tuned, more to come soon!

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